I had ankle surgery on 3/16. They went in and repaired all the ligaments in the back of my ankle. It's been interesting. I'm completely non-weight bearing-- in a cast and on crutches for a total of 6 weeks. It's been quite a ride so far. I had trouble sleeping at the beginning despite pain pills and then I wound up with an middle ear infection which was just lovely! (That's sarcasm of course)
I've been blessed with food from my local Kappa sisters as well as ladies from my Bible study. It's been really helpful. I have appreciated it more than anyone knows!!!!!
My mother-in-law stayed with us for 2 weeks taking care of me which was another blessing I can't begin to describe the importance of!!!!
I went back to work last week which has proved to be a difficulty that I wasn't ready for, but I'll live eventually. It's just that my arms feel like they may fall off!!!!
I'm on my 4th cast now. I'll put them below. There's the one from the first few days after surgery, the blue one (second)... it was supposed to be in honor of my jayhawks who lost so that wasn't good... I got a red cast on my second go around, and then fell on my cast on my first day in the office which was really unfortunate and I had to get it checked out so I got yet another (red) cast.
I'll withhold from putting a picture of the wound on the blog - it's mainly a food blog after all.
I promise I'll get back to recipes as soon as I can stand on two feet!!!!
In the meantime I'm so super thankful for my husband who is now taking care of me... I can be rather demanding, but he puts up with me and loves me just the same! He's been really amazing!!!!